







Sanitary Appliance潔具:

EN 13310:2003 廚房用水槽——性能要求及測試方法

EN 14688:2007 衛生用品-洗手盆-性能要求和測試方法

EN 198:1987 家用亞克力浴缸第一部分: 浴缸規范

EN 263:2002 家用浴室和底盤(pán)的交聯(lián)亞克力材料

EN 200:2004 衛生用水龍頭 單一和混合水龍頭(PN10) 通用技術(shù)規范

EN 13407:2007 懸掛式小便池.制造和檢驗原則

EN 14528:2005 婦洗器的功能要求和測試方法

EN 12764:2004 按摩浴缸規范

EN 13828:2003 建筑用閥門(mén)–用于建筑物飲用水供應的手動(dòng)操作銅合金和不銹鋼球閥門(mén)- 測試和要求

ASME A112.19.2-2003 瓷質(zhì)衛生潔具坐便器及小便器沖洗功能要求(vitreous China lavatories瓷質(zhì)洗臉盆)

ANSI Z124.3-2005 塑膠洗臉盆的美國國家標準

ANSI Z124.6-1997 塑膠水槽的美國國家標準

ASME A112.19.4M-1994 鋼型搪瓷衛浴設備

ASME A112.19.3-2000 不銹鋼衛浴設備(為住宅使用設計)

ASME A112.19.1M-1994 搪瓷鑄鐵衛浴設備

AS 1756-1999 家用水槽

AS/NZS 1229:2002 洗衣槽以及盆

EN 14296:2005 生設備—公用洗滌槽

ASME A112.19.4M-1994 鋼型搪瓷衛浴設備

BS 1390:1990 鋼板瓷釉浴缸的規范

ASME A112.19.2-2003 瓷質(zhì)衛生潔具坐便器及小便器沖洗功能要求(vitreous China waterclosets瓷質(zhì)坐便器)

ASME A112.19.6-1995 坐便器及小便器沖洗功能要求(vitreous China waterclosets瓷質(zhì)坐便器)

EN 997:2003 坐便器本體及帶有整體存水灣的坐便器全套

BS 3402:1969 陶瓷衛生設備的質(zhì)量規范

ANSI Z124.5-1997 塑膠坐便圈及坐便蓋的美國國家標準

ASME A112.19.5-1999 坐便器,水箱及小便器的配件

AS 1371-1973 模壓塑料坐便圈

BS 1254:1981 坐便器便圈及便蓋的規范(塑料)

ASME A112.18.1-2005 衛浴供水配件

AS/NZS 3718:2005 水提供設備—分接器具

EN 817:1997 衛浴用水龍頭—機械混合器(PN)—普通技術(shù)標準

EN 200:2002 衛浴用水龍頭—單個(gè)水龍頭及組合水龍頭(PN 10)—普通技術(shù)標準

ASME A112.18.2-2002 衛浴固定排水設備

ASME A112.18.6-2003 易曲的水連接器

AS 1432-2004 應用于衛浴,氣體裝置以及排水裝置的銅管

EN 274-1:2002E, EN 274-2:2002E, EN 274-3:2002E 衛浴設備的排水裝置

AS 2620.1-1983 家用橡膠軟管——加固型軟管

BS 3746-1990 橡膠軟管的規范

EN 14428:2005 淋浴圍欄—功能要求以及測試的方法

EN 1112:1997 衛浴水龍頭用的淋浴花灑

EN 1113:1997 衛浴水龍頭用的淋浴軟管

EN 14527:2002 家用淋浴底盆


馬桶MAP測試規范 版本7將于2018年4月1日生效

Maximum Performance (MaP) Testing Toilet Fixture Performance Testing Specification Version 7 --Effective April 1, 2018



Include but not limit below Update information in Version 7



Previous Section 7 (Fill Valve Integrity Test Protocol) has been deleted from the MaP specification since it is already covered in the ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1 harmonized product standard. The associated reference to ASSE 1002/ASME A112.1002/CSA B125.12 in Section 1.3 has also been deleted.

前版本第七章節(進(jìn)水閥的完整性測試協(xié)議)已經(jīng)從MaP規范中刪除,因為它已經(jīng)覆蓋在A(yíng)SME a112.19.2/csa b45.1協(xié)調產(chǎn)品標準里面。章節1.3里面的相關(guān)參考ASME a112.1002/csa b125.12 ASSE 1002也被刪除。


Previous Section 5.0 (General Requirements) is now Section 2.0 and the requirements concerning fill valve type and the use of displacement devices have been deleted.



Previous Section 2.0 (MaP Testing Protocol) is now Section 3.0.



Previous Section 3.0 (MaP ‘PREMIUM’ Rating) is now Section 4.0. The requirements have been reworded to provide better clarity of meaning and a new sub-section concerning the acceptable limitations on flush volume adjustability has been added (Section 4.2).

前版本第3章節(MAP ‘PREMIUM’ Rating)變成現在的第4章節。要求部分已重新描述以提供更好的更清楚的含義。另外新增了章節4.2可接受的沖水量調節限制。


Previous Section 4.0 (MaP Test Media Specifications) is now Section 5.0. The nominal specification for the soybean paste used to prepare the MaP test media has been corrected to include a small amount (1.6% by weight) of ethyl alcohol. Also, some descriptive text for using raw (uncased) test media has been added.



Previous Section 6.0 (Flush Volume Adjustability and Maximum Water Consumption Test) has been deleted from the specification since these tests are now covered in the ASME A112.19.2/CSA B45.1 harmonized product standard.

前版本第6章節(沖水量調節,最大耗水試驗)已從規范刪除,因為這些測試已被覆蓋在A(yíng)SME a112.19.2/csa b45.1協(xié)調產(chǎn)品標準中。


In the new Section 3.4.4, the allowable inlet water temperature has been changed to 18 to 27oC (65 to 80°F) to agree with the ASME/CSA requirement.

在新版本的第3.4.4章節,允許進(jìn)水溫度已改為18 至 27℃(65至80°F),跟ASME / CSA的要求保持一致。


In the new Section 5.2.7, the maximum number of flushes for each cased test specimen has been changed from 50 to 100.



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